USA Made
Winning Edge, Inc. is a build-to-order, fully customizing Award Company that operates entirely at its facility in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 100% Employee Owned and Operated, our employees take great personal pride in their quality craftsmanship. We design, cut and finish, polish, sandblast, laser, paint, silk screen, color-fill, etch, join, assemble and ship right from our factory. Our products are truly Made in the USA!
The Winning Edge, Inc. difference….
Our award components reflect the diversity that is today’s global market place. 95% of our raw materials are made, grown, and/or fabricated in the USA, while others come from around the world. If you need a 100% USA made product from top to bottom, just ask!
What makes the difference for you is that our finished awards are conceived, designed and manufactured in the USA. Your Customer Account Manager works at our factory and understands our products. More importantly she knows you personally and knows your programs inside and out. She has complete presence of your project from start to finish. You will have the confidence of 100% customer care and 100% on-time delivery. We don’t just take your orders- we take CARE of your orders!
We build-to-order, every product uniquely yours, and ship on time. You don’t have to wait 3 months for a shipment from Asia, or have your awards stuck in customs, or worry about quality control problems 6,000 miles away. We stand by our products with a 100% Guarantee and if we make a mistake, it is fixed immediately. Our problem resolution is unparalleled…and that’s a reflection of the pride all of us have in the work we do.